Welcome to 5th Grade at Grandview Elementary School. We are excited to have your student join us. We value attendance and urge you to bring your child to school on time each day. Your child will learn a lot in their 5th grade year. In English Language Arts, we focus on reading fluency with an emphasis on building your child’s vocabulary to support reading comprehension. Students are asked to think critically about the topics we explore, and we practice citing text evidence to support our claims. You can aide your child’s reading development at home by having them read each evening for 20 minutes. In Math, we work in the four domains of Number and Operations, Algebra and Algebraic Thinking, Measurement and Data, and Geometry. We also have weekly Science and Social Studies lessons. Finally, our Social Emotional Learning takes place daily through our morning meetings and Second Step lessons. We work together to build our class community as we practice social skills, emotional regulation strategies, and positive communication habits.